Friday, July 23, 2010

"Buttons and Bows"

This is a big day here on Mellodee Musings....!!  This is a day I have been looking forward to for a long time.  In fact, I wasn't at all sure that I could ever get to this day.  I certainly needed help along the way and my generous friends, Laurie (   ) and especially, Beth ( ) both took pity on my poor pathetic pleas for help and between them they saved my sanity!!  I am so grateful to you both.  You should take a bow!

Okay, those of you who have been reading my posts lately probably have figured out what I'm talking about.  If not, here is what makes this a great day in the neighborhood.  It's all about "Buttons and Bows"!!

Mellodee Musings button

Mellodee Musings' Grabbable Button!

Wheee!   I've got the Button and Beth should take the Bow!!  Now I have something to share with those who like my page!  Please feel free to grab it and use it and let me know so that I can reciprocate (I hope, if I can figure out that part). 

So, guys, whaddya think?  Huh, huh???   It sounds a little odd, but  Grab Me, please!


  1. Yay!! It looks great. :) I am taking my bow right now, but I hope you are taking a bow too for your cute design!

  2. Your button looks great! I'm so proud of you! I told you that you could do it! I'll grab you right now! (Thanks for your mention of me, but I really didn't do anything). laurie

  3. I have no clue what you're talking about!! I can barely do a post! But I'll check out the button thing and see if I can figure it out.

  4. Hi Mellodee, Your glee from your button accomplishment puts a smile on my face. You are way ahead of me and I really should follow your steps and learn to do a little more with my poor little blog. Blogging blessings...Dee

  5. Dee, Anytime I figure out one more "computer secret" I feel triumphant! Man (or in this case, woman) over machine!! A bit of simplification, perhaps, but it's true. Besides, I think the button is really cute!! :)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. It's really nice knowing what you think!! Besides, comments keep me from feeling like I'm here all by myself!! :)

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