Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"I Never Promised You a Rose Garden"

I love quizzes. (Now that I am out of school....waaaay out of school!)  I'm forever taking magazine surveys, playing trivia-based  games, filling out questionnaires.  I don't quite know why, but I guess it might be a sort of a "Know Thyself" kind of thing.  Anyway I have a hard time passing them up. 

And that is why today I am once again completing one of those all-about-me  questionnaires I stumbled across at another blog. 

Thanks, Julie!
"47 And Starting Over"

I'm sorry to be so self-indulgent, but perhaps this is the survey that will reveal all!  (All what I have no idea!)  If its too self-indulgent for you, I won't be too ticked off ...ummm.... offended if you choose not to put yourselves through it.  By the way, this one really has some unusual questions, you might want to try it yourself!  Here we go....

Finish the Sentence.  I Dare You!

The Names I Answer to:    Mom, Grammy, Bunk (don't ask), Windy, Big Sis, Hey You in a pinch!

I've never been:  Off American soil (I don't get out much, I guess.)

I hate it when:   I'm so angry that I start to cry.  It weakens anything I try to say!

The one person who can drive me nuts is:   There used to be several people that I knew in one or another work environment.  Now that I'm retired, I don't have to deal with any of them anymore!  Of course, the Big Guy, is always able to make me nuts, but he's my husband, so that doesn't count!   Most of the time.

When I'm nervous:   My stomach hurts.

The last song I listened to was:  "SOS" from Mama Mia.  Love that song!

If I were to get married today:      The Big Guy would be very surprised!  

My hair is:   Not as pretty as it used to be.  I like blonde a whole lot more than grey.

When I was 5:    I was a skinny, sickly little kid who was sick more often than I was well.

Last Christmas: Was probably the last time Santa Claus will visit.  M-t-G is 9 now, and believing in Santa is most likely a thing of the past.  That makes me very sad.
 I should be: Doing any number of things other than blogging.  But this is more fun!

When I look down:   I realize I need a pedicure....desperately!

The happiest recent event was:   Finding out from the doctor that the little bump on M-t-G's leg is nothing, but a little bump (which is a medical term for a calcified hair follicle).  Given Maddie's health history, Ratchlet is a very vigilant mom!  Thank Goodness!

My current annoyance is:    All the summer flying critters (crickets, dragon flies, june bugs) who keep trying to take up residence in my garage!

I have a hard time understanding:  Prejudice of any sort.  When I was little, I played with a little African-American girl on a bus trip my Mom and I took.  She was a little girl just like me.   From that day forward, I never did understand how anyone could support prejudice and bigotry.  

The thing I want to buy is:   A Kindle....I think, maybe, not sure yet!
 If you visited the place I'm from:   You'd have to visit at least three different towns.  We move a lot when I was a kid.  Each of those 3 towns is "home" in a different way.

Most recent thing I've bought myself:   A $3 clearance book from Big Lots. 

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:   The Big Guy bought me this cute cordless carpet sweeper thingie.  I only hinted once!

My middle name is:   One of the crosses I bear.

Last night I was:   Reading  "Agnes and the Hitman".  Jointly authored by Jennifer Cruisie and Bob Mayer....funny, funny book!  Highly recommend it.

If I was an animal I'd be:   A sloth, I fear.

Tomorrow I am:   On call as possible moral support for M-t-G.  She's getting her first braces.    :(

Tonight I am:   Going to continue re-reading (for at least the 6th time) "To Kill a Mockingbird"  Remarkable book. (Like that's a news flash!!  lol!)

Well, there that's done.  Did I reveal all?  Probably not.
As the song says, "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden."  So you're stuck with parts of just plain, old me.

1 comment:

Thanks so much for leaving a comment. It's really nice knowing what you think!! Besides, comments keep me from feeling like I'm here all by myself!! :)

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